剧情: The expanded third season picks up six months after the events of season two and follows Lt. Joe Leaphorn and Jim Chee as they investigate the disappearance of two boys, with only an abandoned bicycle and blood-stained patch of ground left in their wake. Meanwhile, Bernadette Manuelito attempts to settle into her new life 500 miles from home with the Border Patrol, but stumbles across a conspiracy involving human and drug smuggling with far-reaching implications.
周五俱乐部17恋情理念/星期五俱乐部系列之没有任何理论适用于所有爱情/爱情论点之21天概论/爱情理论问题之爱恋论理/ClubFridayTheSeries17TheoryofLove 21/周五俱乐部17情论21/周五俱乐部17爱情概论之理论21天/ClubFriday17TheoryofLove21 Days Theory/ClubFriday17TheoryofLove/周五俱乐部17季21天恋爱论/周五俱乐部17情爱论理之21日理论/-->